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summer 2018
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Wojciech J. Gajda

professor of mathematics

Mailing address:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University
Umultowska 87, 61-614 PoznaƄ, POLAND
Office: Collegium Mathematicum, B1-35
Phone: +48 (61) 829 5503
Fax: +48 (61) 829 5315
Email: gajda AT amu DOT edu DOT pl

Research interests:

arithmetic geometry, number theory, algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory


Jolanta Marzec-Ballesteros, Uniwersytet w Bydgoszczy

10.05.2023 14:00, B1-37

Title: Modular forms in coding theory


With every linear code one can associate a lattice, and with every lattice - a theta function. It is then, perhaps, not surprising that there is a connection (a homomorphism!) between suitable spaces of codes and modular forms. What is remarkable, is the level of this resemblance: in both worlds there are functions invariant under an action of a group, notions of cusp forms and Hecke operators, also projections and lifts between different geni. The compatibility between these objects will be explained in the first part of the talk. This will prepare the ground for the second part: an adaptation of doubling method in the framework of binary linear codes. The new phenomena that will be presented are the effect of joint work with Thanasis Bouganis.

Last modified: 16.11.2022