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summer 2018
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Wojciech J. Gajda

professor of mathematics

Mailing address:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University
Umultowska 87, 61-614 Poznań, POLAND
Office: Collegium Mathematicum, B1-35
Phone: +48 (61) 829 5503
Fax: +48 (61) 829 5315
Email: gajda AT amu DOT edu DOT pl

Research interests:

arithmetic geometry, number theory, algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory


Matija Kazalicki, University of Zagreb

21.05.2024 14:00, B1-37

Title: Ranks of elliptic curves and neural networks

Determining the algebraic rank of an elliptic curve E/Q is challenging, often relying on heuristics to estimate the analytic rank, which is conjecturally equal to the algebraic rank under the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. This talk presents a novel rank classification method utilizing deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The method takes the conductor of E and a sequence of Frobenius traces a_p as input to predict rank or detect "high" rank curves. Our method and eight simple neural network models utilizing Mestre-Nagao sums, commonly employed heuristics are compared. Results from evaluating both methods on the LMFDB dataset and a custom dataset show that CNNs outperform Mestre-Nagao sums on the LMFDB dataset while demonstrating comparable performance on the custom dataset. This is joint work with Domagoj Vlah. Additionally, we will elaborate on a recent project with Zvonimir Bujanović and Lukas Novak. We'll explain how the recently observed phenomenon of murmurations of elliptic curves can help us understand fluctuations in the averages of Mestre-Nagao sums, leading to improved classification quality.

Last modified: 16.11.2022