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summer 2018
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Wojciech J. Gajda

professor of mathematics

Mailing address:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University
Umultowska 87, 61-614 Poznań, POLAND
Office: Collegium Mathematicum, B1-35
Phone: +48 (61) 829 5503
Fax: +48 (61) 829 5315
Email: gajda AT amu DOT edu DOT pl

Research interests:

arithmetic geometry, number theory, algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory


Marco Streng, Universität Leiden

25.04.2018 12.00, B1-37

Title: Obtaining modular units via a recurrence relation


The modular curve Y1(N) parametrises pairs (E,P), where E is an elliptic curve and P is a point of order N on E. One tool for studying this curve is the group of modular units on it, that is, the group of algebraic functions with no poles or zeroes. We first review how a recurrence relation (related to elliptic divisibility sequences) gives rise to defining equations for the curves Y1(N). We then show that the same recurrence relation also gives explicit algebraic formulae for a basis of the group of units on Y1(N), and we generalise to Y(N). This result proves and generalises a conjecture of Maarten Derickx and Mark van Hoeij.