![]() summer 2018 |
Sebastian Petersen, Universität Kassel 19.10.2022 12:00, B1-37 Title: Local to global principles for homomorphisms of abelian schemes Abstract:
Let A and B be abelian varieties defined over the function field k(S) of a smooth algebraic variety S/k. We establish criteria, in terms of restriction maps to subvarieties of S, for existence of various important classes of k(S)-homomorphisms from A to B, e.g., for existence of k(S)-isogenies. Our main tools consist of Hilbertianity methods, Tate conjecture as proven by Tate, Zarhin and Faltings, and of the minuscule weights conjecture of Zarhin in the case, when the base field is finite. This is a report on a joint work with W.Gajda. |
Last modified: 16.11.2022 |